



International Student DormitoryAdministrationRegulation of Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology

(Trial Implementation)




 To strengthen the administrationof the International Student Apartment, create a safe, civilized and comfortable living and learning environment, the following provisions are formulated:


1. 在我校注册的外国留学生,安排至学校留学生公寓居住。

 1.International students registered in NIIT can be accommodated in the International StudentApartment.

 2. 留学生入学时须一次性付清一学年的住宿费用。

 2. Accommodation expenses should be paid for one academic year when students enroll.

 3. 留学生入住前需对房间配备的物品进行清点,并和宿舍管理人员提供的《留学生房间物品清单》进行对照签字。在使用过程中如有损坏或遗失需照价赔偿。

 3.Students shall check the articles before moving in and sign on the checklist. Any damage or loss of the items supplied for the dormitoryshould be compensated.

 4. 留学生须按指定房间住宿,不得私自调换房间。

 4.Students should not exchange rooms without permission.

 5. 留学生应严格遵守作息制度。

 5. Students should abide by the rules for study and rest in the dormitory

 6. 留学生公寓内所分配锁匙只准本人使用,不得私配或转借他人。不得转让、转租自己的床位(房间)。不得私自留宿他人。

 6. The key to the apartment is restricted to personal use and may not be lent to others. Students can not transferthe bedor room to others.

 7. 留学生假期回国、外出旅游、探亲访友,要在离校前告知宿舍管理员,并按时回到学校。

 7. Students should inform the dormitory administrator prior to their leaving for an extended period.

 8. 不得擅自改造和损坏公寓内的公共设施;不得自行油刷和涂写室内外墙壁;不得私自增添大件家具设备,占用他人的生活空间。

 8. The students are not allowed to alter or damage public facilities in the dormitory.

 9. 严禁赌博、酗酒、吸毒、偷窃、打架斗殴等违反中国法律和学校纪律的行为;严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射等威胁人身财产安全物品或淫秽物品进入公寓。

 9. Gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, theft, assault and all other violations of Chinese law and school discipline are prohibited. Flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive and other dangerous itemsare forbidden on campus or in the apartment.


 10. 注意安全用电,按章操作公寓内配备的空调、热水器等电器,严禁违规使用大功率电器(1千瓦),一经发现, 没收所用电器。房间内严禁使用明火。

 10. Ensure the safe operation of the appliancesin the apartment, such as air conditioning and water heaters. Illegal use of high-power (≥1 kW) electrical appliancesis prohibited. No open flamesin the room.

 11. 房间内电器或电路发生故障时,须报告宿舍管理员,严禁自行拆卸或修理。

 11. Report to dormitory administrator when the appliances fail. It is prohibited to remove or repair the appliances without permission.

 12. 房间内长期无人时,所有电器须断开电源,以免发生火灾。

 12. All appliances must be disconnectedfrom the power outlets when no one is in the room.

 13. 如因违反上述规定而造成火灾等事故,由责任人承担相应责任,并赔偿一切损失,后果严重者,将受到校纪处分,直至追究刑事责任。

 13. Fires and accidents caused as a result of a breach of the regulation will be compensated. The guilty parties will be subject to discipline punishment and/or criminal prosecution.


 14. 不得在楼内从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、酗酒、大声放音乐、举办聚会等。由此引发和中国学生的争吵、冲突所造成的后果自负。如因重大节日等正当理由要举办舞会、集会,须取得学校同意在指定场所举行。

 14. Do notdisturb others in the apartment with activities such as dancing, loud noises, alcohol, loud music, parties orgatherings. Gathering should be made at the designated places with the approval of NIIT.

 15. 毕(结)业离校时或搬往其他住所时,应做到文明离寝,在规定时间内搬离公寓,损坏物品及须照价赔偿。

 15. Students must move out of the apartment within the specified time after graduation. Any damages to NIIT property shall result in the student(s) paying compensation to NIIT.

 16. 留学生擅自离校超过一个月,学校有权清理其房间和床位。个人物品代为保管一个月,超过一个月不领取,学校有权处理。

 16. For those who quit school for more than a month without permission, their rooms can be entered and cleaned. Personal belongings will be kept for a month.

 17. 留学生应认真配合、积极参与学校组织的卫生检查、安全检查活动。

 17. Students should cooperate with health and safety inspection activities of NIIT.

 18. 以上管理规定须认真遵守,如有违反规定者视情节轻重给予相应的处罚和校纪处分,造成恶劣影响的,开除学籍。

 18. The above regulations shall be followed. Violation of the provisions will give rise to punishment.


 19. 本规定未尽事宜依据国家相关法律、法规及南京工业职业技术学院相关规定执行。

 19. The matters, not stated, will be implemented in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of NIIT.

 20. 本规定由国际教育学院负责解释。

 20. International Education College is responsible for the interpretation of theprovisions.

 21. 本规定自公布之日起实施。

 21. This regulation shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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