



International Student Disciplinary Provisionsof Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology

(Trial Implementation)



 To strengthen student discipline and create a good learning and living environment, based on the related laws and regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology (hereafter NIIT), the following provisions are formulated:

第一条  本规定适用于在本校注册的外国留学生。

 1. This provision shall apply to foreign students registered in NIIT.


 2. Management of discipline violations of students shall follow the proper procedures and have sufficient evidence.

第三条  纪律处分的种类分为:




 3. Category of disciplinary action is divided into:

 (I) A warning;

 (II)An academic probation;

 (III)Expulsion from school.

第四条 有下列情形之一的,可从轻或减轻处分:



 4. Circumstances mitigating punishment:

 (I) To admit misconduct and/or be repentant;

 (II) To expose misconduct of others, and it can be verified.

第五条 对违纪应受处分,有下列情形之一者,加重一级处分:




 5. Circumstancesaggravating punishment:

 (I) Refusing to admit mistakes, providing perjury, obstructing the investigation and having bad attitudes;                                                                       

 (II)Threats or retaliation to prosecutors, witnesses or administration personnel;

 (III)Having received disciplinary punishment before.


 6. Those who violate Chinese law or constitute a criminal offense should be expelled from school.


 7. Inciting unrest, sabotaging stability and unity, disturbing the social order will result in expulsion. Any illegal organization of large-scale rallies or demonstrations will bring about expulsion. Participation in an illegal organization, rallies, marches or demonstrations will give rise to a warning and/or the above punishments.

第八条 违反学校管理规定,影响学校教育教学秩序、生活秩序以及公共场所管理秩序,侵害其他个人、组织合法权益,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节和后果给予以下处分:







 8. Those who violate public order, against other individual’s legitimate rights will be given a warning, and/or academic probation and/or expulsion from school. The following disciplinary offence will be included:

 (I)Violation of school rules, public order, acts against other individuals;

 (II)Obstructing school administrators to discipline rules and regulations;

 (III) Deliberate destruction of public facilities, damage to the property, illegal use of electricity, fire and other dangerous items will give rise to sanction, in addition to the compensation for economic losses;

 (Ⅳ) Sexual hooliganism, alcoholism, gambling;

 () Disseminating illegal books or audiovisual products, involved in the illegal organization or religious activities;

 () Insult, libel, false accusation, threatening others.

第九条 违反《南京工业职业技术学院外国留学生公寓管理规定》,分别给予下列处分:







 9. Please follow International Students Dormitory Administration Regulations of NIIT; otherwise the student may open to sanctions. The following acts are prohibited:

 (I)Night out without the approval of the International Education College;

 (II)Accommodation of others without permission; unauthorized off-campus renting; or damaging the reputation of NIIT;

 (III) Use fire in the room.

 ()Illegal use of appliances;

 () Disturbing others while they are resting, studying or learning;

 () Violations to apartment administration provisions.

第十条 在人际交往中行为不当,严重违反社会公德,视情节轻重给予警告或留校察看处分。

 10. Interpersonal misconduct and serious breach of public morality will be punished.

第十一条 偷窃、诈骗国家、集体、个人财物,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节轻重给予警告或留校察看处分;违反治安管理规定的,按国家法律法规处置。

 11. Theft and fraud will result in a warning and/or disciplinary probation; Violation of Security Laws will be managed according to the National Laws and Regulations.

第十二条 对违反中国关于计算机网络使用的有关规定,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节及危害程度分别给予以下处分:




 12. Illegal use of computer networks as follows will give rise to a warning or probation:

 (I)Spreading harmful information;

 (II)Intentionally producing and disseminating computer viruses and other destructive programs;

 (III)Misappropriation of others’ information through the network.

第十三条 组织、策划或参与打架、斗殴,尚未构成犯罪的,除承担相应的经济赔偿(含受害者的医药费、护理费、必需的营养费等费用)责任以外,分别给予警告或留校察看处分

 Organization, planning or participating in fights will bring about a warning or disciplinary probation, in addition to undertaking appropriate economic compensation for the victims.

第十四条 私藏、携带中国公安部门管制的刀具,给予警告处分;造成后果者,给予留校察看处分。

 14. Possession and carrying any weapons prohibited by Ministry of Public Security of China will result in a warning and/or disciplinary probation.

第十五条 吸食毒品,视情节轻重给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。违法国家法律法规的,依法处置。

 15. Taking drugs give rise to probation and/or expulsion, or disposed of according to Chinese law.





 Cumulative absences for class hours up to a certain number will result in sanction:

 (I)1-50 hours, a warning;

 (II)More than 50 hours, probation;

 (III) Absence for classes for less than a week will result in a warning; absence for more than a week, less than two weeks, disciplinary probation. Those who are absent for more than two weeks will be expelled.

第十七条 违反考试规定的,依据情节轻重,给予警告直至开除学籍处分。

 Do not violate the provisions of the exam; otherwise you will be given a warning and/or expulsion.

第十八条 剽窃、抄袭他人研究成果的,给予警告或留校察看处分,情节严重的,给予开除学籍处分。

 Plagiarizing others’ research papers, graduate thesis, or doctoral dissertations will bring about a warning, disciplinary probation and/or expulsion.

第十九条 弄虚作假,伪造证件,欺骗组织,蒙骗他人,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节轻重给予警告处分。

 19. Fraud, forgery or deceiving others is not allowed.


 20. For those students who are punished by NIIT, the scholarship eligibility will be canceled for one year.

第二十一条 外国留学生留校察看期一般为一年。对受到留校察看处分的留学生,国际教育学院应当定期进行考察,及时帮助教育。留校察看期满一个月内由本人提出申请,国际教育学院根据其表现作出决定,提交外国留学生事务管理委员会批准,可解除察看。留校察看处分满半年但不足一年的,在此期间如有显著悔改表现,可根据以上程序,提前终止留校察看。留校察看期间再次违纪者,给予开除学籍处分。

 21. Students probation period is usually one year. The International Education College should regularly examine those who are subject to disciplinary probation. Within one month of the expiry of probation, the International Education College can cancel the probation with the approval of International Student Affair Administration Commission. With the disciplinary probation for six months but less than one year, early termination of probation is possible. Default again during probation will give rise to expulsion.

第二十二条 外国留学生受到留校察看处分且在毕业前未能解除察看,学校对其作结业处理。待其察看期满后,表现良好,经本人申请,国际教育学院审核符合毕业条件的,学校可给予换发毕业证书。

 22. For the students receiving disciplinary probation and failing to cancel it before graduation, NIIT issues them course-completion certificate. After the expiration, diploma can be granted with the approval of the International Education College.  


 23. Students, who were expelled from school will be issued Proof of Learning certificate. Students should quit school within three days after receiving the notice of leaving.

第二十四条 本规定没有列举的违纪行为确应给予处分的,可参照最相近条款给予处分。

 24. Unmentioned disciplinary offenses shall be punished in terms of similar sanctions.

第二十五条  对违纪外国留学生给予纪律处分的批准权限与报批程序:





 25. Administration Authority for student disciplinary sanction:

 (I)A warning, approved by the International Education College;

 (II)Disciplinary probation, proposed by International Education College, approved by International Student Administration Commission;

 (III)Expulsion, proposed by International Education College, examined by International Student Administration Commission, decided by the Principal Meeting of NIIT. International Education College reports to Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, Nanjing Public Security Bureau for the record;

 ()If the disposition involves students from different colleges, it will be processed by the students Administration Department of NIIT, collaborated by International Education Colleges and other related colleges.

第二十六条 对外国留学生的处分材料,国际教育学院真实完整地归入本人档案。

 26. The International Education College archives students’ disposition documents in their files.

第二十七条 本规定未尽事宜依据国家相关法律、法规及南京工业职业技术学院相关规定执行。

 27. All matters, not previously stated, will be implemented in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of NIIT.

第二十八条 本规定由国际教育学院负责解释。

 28. The International Education College is responsible for interpretation of the provisions.

第二十九条 本规定自公布之日起实施。

 29. The provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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