



General Regulations for InternationalStudentsof Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology

(Trial Implementation)


第一章 入学与注册

Chapter I Enrolment and Registration

第一条 学习时间超过6个月的新生,须持以下材料报到:有效的护照、6个月以上来华留学X签证、录取通知书原件、自费留学生来华签证JW202表原件、8张护照尺寸照片、学习费用。被录取者应在规定开学时间来校报到,如无法按时报到,应在开学前告知学校,经学校同意后,方可延期入学,逾期一个月依然不能报到者取消入学资格。

 Registration materials for admitted students who will study for more than 6 months include: valid Passport, X Visa, original Admission Notice, original JW202, 8 photos (3cm x 4cm), tuition and all other associated costs.

 Students shall register at NIIT before the deadline stated in the Admission Notice. If can’t register in due time, students must inform the Administration Department of the International Education College prior to the start of the semester to obtain an official extension permit. If you fail to register in one month, the college shall assume that the student has decided not to enroll in the program and the offer will be automatically withdrawn.

第二条 新生入学后,学校按照招生规定进行复查,复查合格者准予电子注册,取得学籍。

The International Education College will verify all the necessary documents after students report to the school, and continue to register students’ information online.


After registering in NIIT, students are required to apply for a residence permit at the Nanjing Public Security Bureau. Usually during the first week after enrollment, students have to take a physical examination. The International Education College will send a school bus to take all the students to Jiangsu International Travel Healthcare Center.

If the results show that the student cannot study here due to his or her illness or other serious infirmity, enrollment in NIIT will be cancelled.


Students must return to school to register at the beginning of every semester. Students are required to pay all the cost of attendance for an academic year (tuition, accommodation, text books and insurance) by one payment on registration. Students who fail to register in time will be considered as absence from class.


 Students are not allowed to enter the classroom buildings before they have enrolled successfully.

第二章 成绩考核与记载

Chapter Ⅱ Performance Assessment and Filing


Students must attend all the courses stipulated by the education plan. Students will get credits after taking exams and getting passing grades. Grade reports and credits would be filed in students’ learning file in two copies, one for students and one for the international education college. Students are not allowed to take exams or test for those courses taken without approval from the office, and no credits will be recorded.


 All the international students are required to take part in the exam or test. One who fails must take the exam again.Theoretical Courses as well as integration programs of theory and practice use a percentage marking system, while practical courses adopt a five letter grade marking system.


 Students who are not able to attend a test must apply for postponing the 

test in advance. Supplementary exam usually taken in the same time with re-sit. The grades will be recorded in students’ file according to the actual result.






 If one of the following situations occurs to the credit course, students are required to retake the course:

 if the student

 (I) fails to pass the re-sit

 (II) fails the Practical Course

 (III) misses a test without permission or who cheats in the exam

 (IV) misses 1/3 or more classes of any subject in one term.

第三章 休学与复学

Chapter Ⅲ Temporary Suspension of Studies and Resumption of Studies

第十条 学生可以分阶段完成学业。三年制学生的延长学习时间以二年为限,语言类学生的延长学习时间以一年为限。

 Students can complete their studies in stages. 3-years diploma students extended learning time is limited to two years; 1-year language students extended learning time is limited to one year.


 Language students may request a Temporary Suspension of Studies Application no more than twice, each time to a maximum of six months, no more than one year in total. But total time for diploma students is one year, and if a student suspends their studies before the end of a semester, the semester will be counted as part of the suspension period. The University will reserve one’s status as a student during their temporary suspension period, under the condition that students cannot enjoy all the privileges of regular students.


 Applicants shall submit a written application which should be approved by the school if:

 (I) They want to suspend their program of student due to diagnosis of a disease by the school hospital, and it is recommended that they stop their studies for medical treatment of longer than six weeks.

 (II)For other special reasons that the university would consider suspension of their studies, for which the university can ask the student to temporarily leave the school.





 Students who wish to return to school after Temporary Suspension will have to apply by completing the following steps:

 (I) Students shall submit a written application for Resumption of Studies which should be approved by the school if they want to continue their studies before the new school year. After review by the school, students can return to school.

 (II) Students could be changed to a similar major if the student decides to change majors.

 (III)Students would be considered as disqualified for resumption of schooling if they break the law or violate discipline during suspension time.

第四章 退学

Chapter Ⅳ Termination of Studies








 A student will be dismissed if any ONE of the following conditions occur:

 (I) A student hasn’t attended any appointed studying activities for two weeks without asking for leave.

 (II)A student’s Credits achieved in one semester do not reach half of the total course credits in one school year.

(III)A student does not register with official permission.

 (IV)A student does not apply for reinstatement when his or her leave of absence expires, or are found unqualified for return to school after review.

 (V)A student is diagnosed with a disease or injury by the school hospital and is considered unable to continue his or her studies.

 (VI)A student applies to terminate his or her studies.


 The punishment of Termination of study will be sent to the student 

directly, and immediate revocation of the student status accordingly. The termination decision can be delivered by either of the following ways:

 (I) Signed by the student.

 (II) Sent to the student by e-mail.

第五章 毕业、结业与肄业

Chapter  Graduation, Completion of Studiesand Incompletion of Studies


 At the end of the first school year, 3-years diploma students are required to achieve Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) level 3 or equivalent to be promoted to the second year of university study.


 Students will be given a Certificate of Graduation after completing all the courses stipulated by the education plan and completing all the required credits.


 Students who have not completed their required credits within the stipulated time period could apply to extend their period of study, and retake the required courses in the extended period.


 Non-degree language program students would be given a certificate of completion of studies after completing their required courses and obtain the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) level four or equivalent to the level of the HSK four level to the language class certificate.


 Students who leave school before completing their studies, have completed at least one year of classes and who have completed the necessary procedures for leaving the school, will be given a Transcript.


 Non-degree program students who complete their language study plan and who have passing grades will be given a Certificate of Language Studies and a grade report. Students who do not take exams or who do not have passing grades will only receive a Certificate of Study.

第六章 附则

Chapter Ⅵ Supplementary Clauses


 Matters not covered in this regulation would be executed according to the relevant national laws and regulations as well as related provisions Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology.


 The power to interpret this regulation shall remain with International Education College.


 These Rules shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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